Men in Hats

Men In Hats

Many wargamers are prone to collecting fetching military hats and striking poses in them, so in honour of the late Doctor Paddy Griffith submit your pictures here please, where they will be immortalised. Become a member of the wargames glitterati :)

Pasha von Gow taking his ease in a Hotel in TRIPOLI whilst advising the Italian C olonial divisions in North Afrika
Pasha von Gow taking his ease in a Hotel in TRIPOLI whilst advising the Italian colonial divisions in North Afrika

Alan Gruber (Tradgardmastre) is in Jubilee mood with this hat.

Don Maddox of Brazos Evil Empire sports an appropriately black US Cavalry hat. What was the name of that Indian again?

Comrade General Wallmanski seen relaxing with his disappointingly hatless headquarters staff and faithful command tank driver Alex Kleanthous, after the battle of KHARKOV. Inexplicably, he has not yet had a visit from the NKVD.

“He says he wants another Panzerarmee”. Martin Rapier roleplays “”Springtime for Hitler in Germany”

This picture copyright Tom Mouat is from the June 2012 Megablitz game at RMCS Shrivenham. General Rapier is now part of the NQM Wehrmacht general staff.

Hero of the Soviet Union General Simmonovski directs fierce fighting in front of MOSCOW

Thanks go to Martyn Simpson for the excellent addition to the Soviet General Staff above (I’ve known Martyn since our respective schooldays in Scunthorpe)

Comrade Marshall Bankanista, upon being told that Moscow has not yet fallen to 1st Shock Army.
Thanks to Derek Henderson for sending in some splendid examples of Hattism, which I shall hold should I ever need to blackmail him, and especially the one above!

Chris Agar (L) and a very secretive Will Whyler (R). This is why Phil Steele normally just photographs the toys :O)

Bob Cordery (L) and Tony Hawkins (R) standing at ease

Major Tom “Kilgore” Mouat – I love the smell of burning Lego in the morning
Chris Kemp hamming it up as the Italian Naval Umpire during “Operation Herkules” at Duxford 2010

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