Royal Romanian Air Force
I have hived the Romanian air assets off into a seperate post to make it easier to read
Under operational control of 4 Fliegercorps :
Regt 1
(1) SM.79B, (1) PLZ 37B, (1) He 111H3
Regt 2
Fighter Regt 1
July 1942 Acquisitions from Germany
Under operational control of 4 Fliegercorps :
Royal Romanian Air Force (GAL)
Gen CelareanuRegt 1
(1) SM.79B, (1) PLZ 37B, (1) He 111H3
Regt 2
(1) Potez 63 B 2, (1) Bloch 210
Fighter Regt 1
(1) He 112B, (1) Bf 109E3/4, (1)IAR-80/A
Army Cooperation Regt 2
(1) IAR-37, (1) IAR-38, (1) IAR-39
July 1942 Acquisitions from Germany
(2) Bf-109E-4
(2) He-111H
(1) SM-79 II
(1) Ju87B
1943 Acquisitions from Germany :
(3) Bf-109G
(1) Bf-109G-6
(4) Ju-87D
(3) Ju-88
(1) IAR-80
Royal Hungarian Air Force
Here is the missing Hungarian air component for Barbarossa :
Fighter Group 1
(1) CR. 32
Fighter Group 2
(1) CR. 42 or Re. 2000*
Bomber Group 4
(1) He 46, (1) WM21
Long Range Recon Group
(1) He 170A
October, 1942 acquisitions from Germany
(1)* Bf 109F-4 to re-equip Re 2000 unit.
(1) Ju 87D-1
(1) Ju 87D-5
(5) Me 210
Sources as per the previous post
Royal Hungarian Air Force
LtGen MagyarossyFighter Group 1
(1) CR. 32
Fighter Group 2
(1) CR. 42 or Re. 2000*
Bomber Group 4
(1) Ca. 135b, (1) Ju 86K-2SR
Recon Squadrons(1) He 46, (1) WM21
Long Range Recon Group
(1) He 170A
October, 1942 acquisitions from Germany
(1)* Bf 109F-4 to re-equip Re 2000 unit.
(1) Ju 87D-1
(1) Ju 87D-5
(5) Me 210
Sources as per the previous post
Luftwaffe on the Eastern Front
This year, I revisited my NQM Orbats for the Luftwaffe on the Eastern Front. This does not include the Feltluftgau
(Special staff groups for controlling logistics in the Field) as even I
recognise that an interest in logistics can become obsessive at some
The orbat will of course be tweaked as I have taken 1941 as my starting point. As ever, the (bold numbers in brackets) are the number of models needed to play the campaign with NQM.
Kampfgruppe zur besonderen Verwendung (KGr zbV)106 – (1) Ju 52
Kampfgruppe (KG)1 (2) Ju 88A
KG 76 (3) Ju 88A
KG 77 (3) Ju 88A
Jagdgruppe (JG) 54 (4) Bf 109F
Aufklaerungsgruppe (1) He 60 or Bv 138 or He 114 or AR-196
Kuestenfliegergruppe (KuFlGr)806 (1) Ju 88A
KG zbV 1 (1) Ju 52
JG 53 (3) Bf 109F
KG 3 (2) Ju 88A
KG 53 (3) He 111H
SturmKampfGruppe (SKG) 77 (3) Ju 87B
SKG 210 (2) Bf 110
JG 51 (5) Bf 109F
KG zbV 102 (1) Ju52
KG zbV 105 (1) Ju52
In Nov 1941 the HQs of Luftflotte 2 and II Fliegerkorps were sent to the Mediterranean theatre,
KG 2 (3) Do 17Z
StG 1 (2) Ju 87B
StG 2 (1) Ju 87B, (1) Ju 87R, (1) Bf 109E
Zerstoerergruppe(ZG) 53 (3) Bf 110C or E
JG 27 (3) Bf 110E or F
KG zbV 9 (1) Ju 52
FlakRegt 101 (1) 20mm Flak, (2) 88mm Flak
FlakRegt 103 (1) 20mm Flak, (2) 88mm Flak
KG zbV 50 (1) Ju 52
Deutsche Luftwaffe Mission in Rumaenien
JG 52 (1) Bf 109F
KG zbV 104 (1) Ju 52
Seenotstaffel 8 (1) He 59
KG 27 (4) He 111H
JG 77 (1) Bf 109E
KG 51 (3) Ju 88A
KG 54 (2) Ju 88A
KG 55 (3) He 111H
JG 3 (3) Bf 109F
FlakRegt 6 (1) 20mm Flak, (3) 88mm Flak
FlakRegt GG (3) 20mm Flak, (2) 88mm Flak, (1) 37mm Flak
Under operational control of 4 Fliegercorps :
Sources : (Accessed 31/01/2012) (Accessed 30/01/2012) (Accessed 31/01/2012) (Accessed 31/01/2012)
Boyd, A. (1977) The Soviet Air Force since 1918. London, Macdonald and Jane’s.
Luftflotte 1
GeneralOberst KellerKampfgruppe zur besonderen Verwendung (KGr zbV)106 – (1) Ju 52
Fliegerkorps I
General der Flieger FoersterKampfgruppe (KG)1 (2) Ju 88A
KG 76 (3) Ju 88A
KG 77 (3) Ju 88A
Jagdgruppe (JG) 54 (4) Bf 109F
FliegerFuehrer Ostsee
Oberst von WildAufklaerungsgruppe (1) He 60 or Bv 138 or He 114 or AR-196
Kuestenfliegergruppe (KuFlGr)806 (1) Ju 88A
Luftflotte 2
GeneralFeldmarshall KesselringKG zbV 1 (1) Ju 52
JG 53 (3) Bf 109F
Fliegerkorps II
General der Flieger FoersterKG 3 (2) Ju 88A
KG 53 (3) He 111H
SturmKampfGruppe (SKG) 77 (3) Ju 87B
SKG 210 (2) Bf 110
JG 51 (5) Bf 109F
KG zbV 102 (1) Ju52
KG zbV 105 (1) Ju52
In Nov 1941 the HQs of Luftflotte 2 and II Fliegerkorps were sent to the Mediterranean theatre,
Fliegerkorps VIII
GenOb Dr RichthofenKG 2 (3) Do 17Z
StG 1 (2) Ju 87B
StG 2 (1) Ju 87B, (1) Ju 87R, (1) Bf 109E
Zerstoerergruppe(ZG) 53 (3) Bf 110C or E
JG 27 (3) Bf 110E or F
KG zbV 9 (1) Ju 52
Flakkorps I
GenMaj von AxtheinFlakRegt 101 (1) 20mm Flak, (2) 88mm Flak
FlakRegt 103 (1) 20mm Flak, (2) 88mm Flak
Luftflotte 4
GenOb LoehrKG zbV 50 (1) Ju 52
Deutsche Luftwaffe Mission in Rumaenien
JG 52 (1) Bf 109F
KG zbV 104 (1) Ju 52
Seenotstaffel 8 (1) He 59
Fliegerkorps IV
GenLt PflugbeilKG 27 (4) He 111H
JG 77 (1) Bf 109E
Fliegerkorps V
GenLt Ritter von GreimKG 51 (3) Ju 88A
KG 54 (2) Ju 88A
KG 55 (3) He 111H
JG 3 (3) Bf 109F
Flakkorps II
Gen der Flak DesslochFlakRegt 6 (1) 20mm Flak, (3) 88mm Flak
FlakRegt GG (3) 20mm Flak, (2) 88mm Flak, (1) 37mm Flak
Under operational control of 4 Fliegercorps :
Royal Romanian Air Force Air Combat Group (GAL)
See following post for GALSources : (Accessed 31/01/2012) (Accessed 30/01/2012) (Accessed 31/01/2012) (Accessed 31/01/2012)
Boyd, A. (1977) The Soviet Air Force since 1918. London, Macdonald and Jane’s.
Have Fun Modelling Logistics
Or … “Sergeant Bilko goes to War”
Troops work frantically through the night somewhere east of TOBRUK to crossload fuel from army to corps transport
Combat mechanisms in most wargames are complex, yet Wargamers enjoy rolling dice to calculate them. There is no reason for much simpler logistics mechanisms to be dull or tedious. As long as they are an integral part of the game, they should not slow it down. If logistics slow a game down, they will not be played and if dull, players won’t play the game. Simple really. So how does NQM do it?
- Army Railhead somewhere east of TOBRUK with no rails in sight, but lots of trucks. Note the Junior General truck printed onto card in the foreground
The only complexity not previously discussed is that in pursuit, motorised units use 2 POLs (Divisional Fuel Loads) per day and no CUs (Divisional Ammo Load) or FUs (Artillery Load), as they are racing along in pursuit of a defeated enemy. In defence, up to 2 CUs (because the defenders will almost certainly have to fight off more than 3 attacks) and as many FUs (usually one) as can be brought forward or have been stockpiled. Likewise in attack, up to 2 FUs of artillery will be fired off to soften up the defenders and 1 CU of ammo expended as the division goes in.
Sergeant Bilko's English cousin WO1 "Brummy" Stokes reads the Racing Times in his supply depot. "Want any jam mate?"
Page 18 shows how this works … so how were the sums arrived at :
A division consumes somewhere between 200-400tons of supplies a day* split broadly into Ammo (CUs), Artillery Ammo (FUs) and Fuel (POL). If each NQM model represents 30 trucks, then a 3-tonner can lift 90 tons and a 5-tonner 150 tons, so say 1 model per 100 tons. Conveniently, most NQM divisions have 3 trucks to supply 1 each of CUs, FUs and POL.
* The Allies planned for up to 650 tons/day at D-Day, but this was pessimistic. Simple sums derived from van Krefeld’s Supplying War.
Camouflage nets 2
The glue is set and the paint is barely dry as 1st Shock Army rolls
out to try a breakthrough on the northern flank of MOSCOW. It’s a bit
early in 1942 for 85mm guns yet, but this is the model that I stuck the
cam net to.
A bit of brown paint with sand drybrushing and that’s it really. They
looked fine without foliage, though I may stick some on later. Don’t
laugh, this counts as super detailing for me
camouflage net of rolled gauze prior to drybrushing renders this Old
Glory UK T-34/85 barely visible against the yellow background.
Logistic Dumps and Trucks
Without getting too complicated about logistics, I find that simply
putting railheads and dumps onto the table gives decent appreciation of
why breakthroughs are so devastating to an army. Marauding enemy finds
itself amongst a rich array of depots stuffed full of goodies, and the
disrupted army finds itself similarly short. Modelling opportunities for
NAAFI, PX and soup kitchens abound.
You can see below a schematic representation of the chain from the railhead on the left of the picture through to the fighting troops on the right. I just run the trucks in a line between the depots to mark out the logistic routes used for supply. For a division of perhaps 10 fighting vehicles, suddenly having up to 20 trucks in a logistic tail gives a better appreciation of why modern armies are perhaps not as nimble as we would all like to think. The yellow lettering above the trucks lists the German designation for the transport columns and the green lettering below the dumps gives the level of depot. Depots can be co-located if roads are sparse.
Full marks to Tim Gow for spotting that there were not enough trucks in the picture above. Each division should have its own transport companies as well as the corps level transport and army level transport shown above. The labels below of ‘A’ and ‘B’ echelons apply properly to battalion level units, not divisions as we see here.
You can see below a schematic representation of the chain from the railhead on the left of the picture through to the fighting troops on the right. I just run the trucks in a line between the depots to mark out the logistic routes used for supply. For a division of perhaps 10 fighting vehicles, suddenly having up to 20 trucks in a logistic tail gives a better appreciation of why modern armies are perhaps not as nimble as we would all like to think. The yellow lettering above the trucks lists the German designation for the transport columns and the green lettering below the dumps gives the level of depot. Depots can be co-located if roads are sparse.
Full marks to Tim Gow for spotting that there were not enough trucks in the picture above. Each division should have its own transport companies as well as the corps level transport and army level transport shown above. The labels below of ‘A’ and ‘B’ echelons apply properly to battalion level units, not divisions as we see here.
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